The energy of spring is renewal, a time of rebirth. Moving away from the long winter months and into the light and joy of spring. It is a time to plant crops, or the seeds for a future harvest.

Why not do the same in your life?

So, what things do you desire to create that you have yet to create? What have you put off in your life that you really want to bring in? Mercury retrograde is about to end. Mars retrograde is about to close…And we’re in Spring. With the light of the sun coming back to the Earth at a greater angle, it brings in a greater sense of hope and inspiration.

By the way, have you done your spring cleaning? The whole purpose of spring cleaning is to get rid of the clutter, to clean out the stale energy. And in so doing, you create a new space for stuff to come in. But perhaps the best place to do spring cleaning is in your own mind, eliminating the fears and doubts of things past, and of things that you may not believe you can do.

Internal Spring Cleaning

Here’s a thought, think of something that’s been bothering you, something you have been holding onto for awhile, and find a way to release it.

A lot of people like to write things down and burn it. While I find this effective, I don’t usually get a permanent change. Something I have found to be even more effective, is to think about the issue and determine where in your body it is impacting you. And take long slow breaths, until the energy in that area of your body is neutralized. Do not focus on the memory, just focus on the area in your body, whatever is in resistance to your breath. When the resistance is gone, your issue is gone too.  I’ve used this technique many times. In the beginning it may take awhile. As you begin to learn how to neutralize the energy with your breath, it becomes faster, and the results are extremely rewarding.

External Spring Cleaning

Cleaning the house

As feng shui experts often explain, the energy of your space directly impacts the energy of your life. So, when cleaning your house, please consider any old, unused or unusable items that are no longer necessary in your life. Eliminating this will help eliminate attachments to the past. Remove or recycle all broken objects and replace them with objects that are functional and that you would actually use. This promotes productivity. Reorganize the space for efficiency to also promote productivity and greater success. And of course, cleaning and washing the house removes old and stale emotional energy.

One final note, make things as beautiful or attractive as possible. Bring in flowers or plants. This stimulates creativity and inner peace, which will sustain you in difficult times. If you don’t have a green thumb, silk is fine. If you use art, make sure it is appropriate for the space, for example I would not have a romantic image in a work space or skyscrapers and joggers in the bedroom.

What’s really important is that when you are done with the space, it is a location that you would feel good about bringing anyone to visit.

Also, here are some more tips from a previous blog article about cleansing your house for a deep energetic clean. Clearing Your Home’s Energy

From my own personal experience, every time I have a little stagnation in my life, the first thing I do is take a look at what in my life is cluttered. I start with cleaning my house, my office, my work/healing space; and I move on to my emotions and my thoughts. Spring Cleaning is not just in spring. It’s for whenever you need greater flow, prosperity, and clarity in your life. Whip out those rubber gloves, and the mop and broom, and clean your way to happiness.  Just kidding… not really, it works! Once your space is clean, take a moment to clearly define your goals, and visualize yourself accomplishing your goals, so that you can plant the seeds in your subconscious mind. Then, go take action!

Share your spring cleaning experiences below!

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